Micevski: How can we convince the citizens to respect the measures, when DUI and SDSM Mps violate them


Coordinator of VMRO-DPMNE’s group in Parliament Nikola Micevski said Sunday that they will only attend Parliament’s 36th session and vote for the fifth stimulus set of anti-crisis laws, but will not attend the other sessions.

“The ruling majority is working to the detriment of the economy and the economy. The fifth package of measures would have been voted on Thursday, had it not been for the stubbornness of the government. Xhaferi and Zaev deliberately blocked the measures. VMRO-DPMNE MPs are in Parliament and will provide a quorum for the 36th session. Business owners and citizens have been waiting for the government for two months. The fifth set of measures came to the Parliament on February 19. Two months have passed. Zaev had a quorum when he asked for the good of the government. But he is a brake, and it creates an atmosphere where someone else is holding back. We call on Talat Xhaferi to convene the 36th session. The VMRO-DPMNE parliamentary group will not allow itself to be abused, and to be threatened on Zaev’s directive,” Micevski said.

“The ruling majority is fighting for media attention at the expense of citizens who have not received assistance. How can we convince the citizens to respect the measures, when the MPs from SDSM and DUI violate the measures and the laws in order to satisfy their PR appetites,” said Micevski.

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