Minister of Education says that the beginning of the next school year will depend on the epidemiological situation


Minister of Education and Science Mila Carovska says that next school year there will be a safe approach, but what would that be depends not only on the MES, but also on the epidemiological picture, the position of the Commission for Infectious Diseases, and the Ministry of Health.

Answering a journalist question, she emphasized that she was confident that they will find a safe solution.

“The decision for the new school year will depend on the epidemiological situation, everything else is speculation and is contrary to the interests of citizens and students. Everyone is informed ahead of time, trained ahead of time, all elements are set ahead of time. They will know in time when and how the school year will start. It depends not only on the Ministry of Education and Science, but also on the epidemiological picture, the position of the Commission for Infectious Diseases, the Ministry of Health and I am sure we will find the best possible solution because you see that this year we were one of the few countries I did not stop the educational process outside the calendar at all. As we promised to start, so we end the school year. On the one hand, education was conducted without interruption, and on the other hand, the public health of students and teachers was protected,” the minister said.


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