Academician Kjulavkova: The shadows of Evil hovered over Macedonia, and it is silent and suffers


Academician Katica Kulavkova expects the Macedonian state and the international community to condemn the slogan “Macedonia is Bulgarian” declared the official strategic goal of Bulgaria, which is a threat to peace.

“If it’s something in common, then it does not belong to just one of the two. Such appropriation is a source of negation of the inherent and sovereign rights of the Other, the other face of hegemony and chauvinism. Such historical consciousness is blinded, biased, primitive, frustrated, conflicted and dangerous.

The slogan “Macedonia is Bulgarian” declared Bulgaria’s official strategic goal is a threat to peace. The Macedonian state and the international community, especially the EU, should condemn this conquering political discourse without delay.

The shadows of Evil hovered over Macedonia, and it is silent and suffers in the name of abstractions, false promises and delusions. A time of great manipulations, a time of new tragedies.

Shared places of memory are the spiritual and cultural heritage of nations, and some of them of humanity. All their exclusive interpretations and appropriations are alien to them. You cannot put the infinite behind the bars of the trapped mind,” wrote Kjulavkova on Facebook.

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