Antovski: VMRO-DPMNE is in favor of environmental protection, we will provide cheaper electricity, free gas connection for each household


Listening to the statements of DOM leader Maja Morachanin, who is a coalition partner of Zaev and SDSM, it is inevitable to ask the question: What is the plan of the government in relation to the price of electricity? Is the fact that currently the VAT for households has been reduced to 5% for the price of electricity for the period until June 30, 2022, is just a delusion of the people until the elections? Does this mean that the SDS is advocating a higher price for electricity after the elections? Judging by the way in which SDSM currently leads the largest energy companies ELEM and MEPSO, the collapse of the same is inevitable, which will result in an enormous increase in the price of electricity in the future, said Stevche Antovski from the ranks of VMRO-DPMNE at Saturday’s press conference.

“The same can be concluded from the statement of Morachanin, who claims that electricity should be expensive in order to use it as little as possible. This raises doubts and warnings that from next year a price shock is really waiting for us due to the possible increase in the price of electricity. If the price is expensive, in order to use it as little as possible, as Morachanin claims, then how can the citizens meet the basic living needs for energy? The use of electricity is not a luxury, but a basic need. This incompetent government in these four years has failed to provide the citizens of the Republic of Macedonia with any other alternative energy sources. Households do not have access to gas as an alternative source of energy because in the past 4 years with SDSM, the gasification that was to be performed, stopped completely, which caused irreparable damage to the citizens. At the same time, oil products increased dramatically with last year’s increase in excise duty on diesel and the current announced environmental tax on all types of gasoline and diesel. The legislation is not in favor of households, so they cannot install photovoltaic panels on their roofs to sell electricity. So how can people meet their basic energy needs? The government’s policies that electricity should be expensive in order to consume less are contradictory, and on the other hand, subsidies for air conditioners with inverters that run on electricity were widely distributed. Does this mean that the government is totally lost in its energy policies, which are nothing but bribery tactics and “buy another day”!?, Antovski told a press conference.

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