Zaev should free the investigation from influences and resign together with Filipche and Hasani, says VMRO-DMNE


Seven days after the modular hospital caught fire and there were human casualties. But for Venko Filipche and Zoran Zaev it does not mean anything. For them, human life is not worth anything. Zaev was hiding until yesterday, and Filipche allegedly resigned. There is no trace of the investigation, VMRO-DPMNE said in a press release.

“The citizens have the right to know, and those responsible must give answers, not be silent. What is the quality of the materials from which the hospital in Tetovo is built? Why were there no fire extinguishers even though there was a warning for such an oversight? Why did relatives of patients take care of their loved ones in the hospital instead of medical staff? Who in the name of the government is threatening the lives of the relatives of the victims who witnessed the catastrophe in the modular hospital? VMRO-DPMNE calls on Filipche and Ilir Hasani to submit their resignations to the Parliament, and not to the Prime Minister, who we saw will not accept them. If that does not happen today, VMRO-DPMNE in coordination with other parliamentary parties will submit a draft decision to dismiss Filipche and Hasani. Zaev needs to forget about business interests and should free the investigation from influences and pressures and resign together with Filipche and Hasani,” says the opposition party.


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