Education Minister assures that there is no need for online classes


So far, there are no indications that the learning model will have to change, but we’re prepared to act if the situation takes a turn, Minister of Education and Science Mila Carovska said on Wednesday.

“Epidemiologists and the Commission for Infectious Diseases are monitoring the situation and take action based on the municipality, region, school. 240,000 students attend in-person classes and only 0.01% of them tested positive on Tuesday, which is very small amount. I expect we’ll manage to keep numbers low, as its in students best interest to remain at school,” Carovska noted.

She stressed that even the most developed countries are holding in-person classes.”The pandemic needs to be overcome, but we also have a post-pandemic period that we need to live through. The greatest interest is to protect the interest of students, their mental health, level of education. I call on them to provide children with the right to education, which is a basic children’s right,” Carovska added.


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