Ruling majority MP suggests PM accepts Health Minister’s resignations


IzetMexhiti, MP of the Albanian partner of the ruling party, the Democratic Union for Integration (DUI), commented on Wednesday on the alleged resignations that followed the tragedy with the COVID center in Tetovo, in which 14 people lost their lives a week ago.

Mexhiti, a longtime mayor of Skopje’s Chair municipality, said that if he were to replace Prime Minister ZoranZaev, he would accept the resignations of the health minister, his deputy and the directors of Tetovo Hospital.

“If I were Zaev, I would accept their resignations,” Mexhiti said.

He added that “in the Parliament (DUI MPs) will express their opinion” on the resignations, but still added that “In principle it is good that they resigned from a moral point of view. This shows that there are democratic values ​​and that is what happens in democratic countries.”


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