Six out of 1,323 pupils tested positive for COVID-19 at school screening


Six pupils in primary education tested positive for COVID-19 out of the 1,323 tested in primary and secondary schools within the screening across the country thus far, the Ministry of Health said on Thursday.

The tests were made in schools in Kochani, Shtip, Veles, Skopje, Kumanovo, Prilep, Bitola, Strumica, Tetovo and Ohrid.

The nationwide screening of 496 primary and secondary schools is set to be completed by tomorrow, and the Ministry will release the complete analysis upon the data processing, thus giving a general image of the COVID-19 situation among pupils, reads the press release.

About 8,200 children are randomly selected and tested after obtaining consent in writing from their parents.

The ministry says 885 children aged 0-17 are currently COVID-19 positive, with 19 hospitalized at the Skopje-based Institute of Pulmonary Diseases. None of them is vaccinated.

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