Arsovski: MoI lied that no electricity was stolen – EVN says there are no special meters in GTC


GTC director Gjoko Trajcevski and the president of the board of directors Trajanka Tasevska, also the wife of the director of the Public Security Bureau at the Ministry of Interior, have been silent for three days, VMRO-DPMNE spokesperson Dimche Arsovski told a press conference on Thursday.

“In the middle of the GTC in the basements behind me, cryptocurrencies were dug illegally several years after SDSM came to power, mined for bitcoins with stolen electricity, and the Ministry of Interior does not want to take any responsibility and protects criminals. Why did the Ministry of Interior withdraw the police three days ago from doing their job? Is it because the wife of the director of the Public Security Bureau Sasho Tasevski urged or because he urged the coalition partner of Zoran Zaev, who is considered to have his own bitcoin mining machines, and that is the Bajram family and they have personally urged Zaev and Oliver Spasovski? However, the Ministry of Interior has double standards for crime. Oliver Spasovski and the Ministry of Interior are protecting these people for committing a serious crime, where they have stolen electricity through the GTC worth hundreds of thousands, and maybe millions of euros”, says Arsovski.

He adds that the Ministry of Interior came out and said that no electricity was stolen and talked to EVN who confirmed it, and EVN says that they do not have additional meters there and practically emphasized that the Ministry of Interior with their statement in public is lying and thus once again protect crime.

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