Xhaferi expects new government to take office on January 17


Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi said thqta Wednesday is “D Day” when the mandate will be handed to the new prime minister, SDSM leader Dimitar Kovachevski. Explaining the whole procedure for electing a new government, Xhaferi believes that the new government would take office on January 17, 2022.

“According to initial information, Wednesday should be “D Day” for giving a mandate to the new prime minister, who has already been appointed, that is the leader of SDSM. From that moment on, by handing the mandate, the head of the state according to Article 210 of the Rules of Procedure should inform the Parliament Speaker about giving the mandate to start the deadlines in the Parliament, to count them out. This applies to us, as well as to the prime minister. The prime minister-designate within 20 days of receiving the mandate, i.e. no later than the 20th day of receiving the mandate, should appear before the Parliament with a proposal of the new government and the work program of the government,” Xhaferi told the press on his expectations when a new government would be elected.



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