Support of the Government conditioned by staffing decisions and single electoral district


Leader of the Democratic Union Pavle Trajanov announced Wednesday afternoon a meeting with the prime minister-designate of the new government and leader of SDSM Dimitar Kovachevski, with whom, as he said, they will once again discuss the program priorities of the party that wants to enter the government program. We will discuss, Trajanov stressed, both the staffing decisions and the request for the country to be a single electoral district, on which, as he announced, the support of the Democratic Union for the new government will depend.

“Kovachevski should inform us about those names that are not known and present them. Because the support, not only of the Democratic Union, but also of the other parties, will also depend on the staff composition of the government. The prime minister-designate has the opportunity to announce the names in advance or he will do so when he submits the proposal to the Parliament. If we do not agree on it, we will not vote, it is a simple and straightforward as that,” said Trajanov.

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