Siljanovska Davkova: The Przhino government is unconstitutional, it should be canceled


The model of the so-called Przhino government is unconstitutional; there is nothing in the Constitution about a need for a transitional government, additional ministers. It is not a government that will enable fair and democratic elections, the administration to be impartial, but an arena for blockades and should be removed, university professor and VMRO-DPMNE MP Gordana Siljanovska Davkova said in an interview with TV Telma, stressing that as a country that aspires to be part of the EU needs to get rid of such weak mechanisms that have been shown to be abused by the Government.

“For a country that wants to start negotiations with the EU, it should be a decent country, and a country with such mechanisms is a weak country in which there is a danger of abusing the status of the ruling party, just remember the case of Minister Rashela Mizrahi, although it is impossible to change the interim minister because it was a result of the provisions,” said Siljanovska Davkova.

The MP stressed that the country should put an end to the so-called Przhino government, which was only for 2016, and in order to have a decent government and to have the deadlines of the Constitution.

Siljanovska Davkova pointed out that the Przhino government must be canceled in the Parliament and finally the recommendations of the Venice Commission for the Electoral Code must be followed.

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