Protest on February 25 over the chaos of high bills and electricity debts


The Chamber of Commerce for Energy and the companies, on February 25, will protest in front of the Government, where they will repeat their demands and solutions to the situation with the energy crisis. On January 24, the Chamber submitted requests to the Government. One of the demands is the dismissal of economic ministers, certain directors and presidents of companies and the appointment of experts in their positions. According to them, with their solutions they will be able to save the country from the crisis.

The Chamber says that the state must set aside money from the budget for companies to help them overcome the energy crisis. Companies from the textile, bakery and other industries are also facing problems. Hence, they say that an urgent subsidy for electricity is needed.

The Chamber head Gjorgji Manaskov explains that the state can go bankrupt, because the total debts of the energy companies are over one billion euros.

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