Bulgarian MEP also disputes the October 11 celebrations


The Bulgarian MEP from the ranks of the opposition GERB Andrey Kovatchev, in a TV interview pointed out as controversial the holiday October 11, the day of the beginning of the anti-fascist struggle in the relations between Bulgaria and Macedonia.

“For instance, it is still there as a holiday, as they call it, when the first rifle was fired against the Bulgarians in October. If you do not change anything from the previous regime of Tito’s Yugoslavia, you cannot enter the EU with the same ideology, because that ideology is directly directed against another EU member state,” Kovatchev told BTV.

Kovatchev stressed that education should not be based on hatred.

“We should be together as equal members of the EU, but our young generations should not have an education that leads to hatred between them. We cannot accept that, it is a basic European value, part of the basic Copenhagen criteria,” said the MEP.

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