The people take the blow – Citizens have to deal with high prices and low wages


And it is not only the electricity for the households, due to the negligence of the government it is possible to increase the price of water, because the higher price of electricity has caused increased costs for water supply which can inevitably lead to an increase in its price which in the end again due to The government will be paid by the people, says the leader of the opposition Hristijan Mickoski.

“The future we believe in must come through changes. D]They must be deep and fast changes, because the reality is getting harder and harder day by day. The main blow to the people is inflation, low wages, and high product prices. And all those in power who said that the increase in the price of electricity was symbolic and that they saved the people from a huge increase, and therefore should be happy and satisfied with what exists, let the households ask, let the citizens who received the electricity bill ask for the last month,” said Mickoski.

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