VMRO-DPMNE warnings come true: Vučić revealed that Macedonia has no commodity reserves of wheat and that the government is lying


VMRO-DPMNE has been warning for days that the level of commodity reserves is alarmingly low, as well as that they are below the legal minimum.

“The government, Kovachevski, Besimi and Bytyqi tried to deny such information, which has now proved to be correct. They were confirmed by the President of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić, who said that they will provide 50,000 tons of wheat and 25,000 tons of corn at the request of Macedonia for the needs of our commodity reserves. This means that Kovachevski was looking for wheat and corn because he did not procure it on time. The warnings of VMRO DPMNE were correct, but the government chose a lie instead of work, reads the opposition party’s press release.

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