PPO suspends Public Prosecutor in Skopje for prolonging cases to statute of limitations


The Public Prosecutor from the Basic Public Prosecutor’s Office in Skopje will be removed from office during the disciplinary procedure initiated against him due to reasonable suspicion that he has committed a serious disciplinary violation, the Prosecutor’s Office has announced.

During the extraordinary supervision by the Higher Public Prosecutor’s Office in Skopje, it was concluded that the public prosecutor in a significant part of the cases assigned to him did not take the necessary actions in accordance with the Law on Criminal Procedure to make a meritorious public prosecutor’s decision, whereas in some of the cases there was a prolongation of the procedure or statute of limitations of the criminal prosecution.

From the beginning of the application of the new Rulebook on the manner of conducting the procedure for determining the responsibility of a public prosecutor for a disciplinary violation, adopted on May 18,2021, this is the fifth initiated disciplinary procedure for a public prosecutor.

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