The VMRO-DPMNE EC has made a decision for active blockade of the Parliament starting May 10, the Government has 5 more days to reconsider its behavior, informs the opposition party.
At yesterday’s session of the VMRO-DPMNE EC, the national catastrophe in which Macedonia was plunged with SDSM and DUI was discussed. The situation caused by SDSM and DUI, which is marked by poverty, crime and corruption, results in a situation in which Macedonia is less and less. SDSM and DUI are the creators of all crises, and they cannot be a solution, on the contrary, the crises are deepening, so early parliamentary elections are needed. The government is ignorant of the reality and in SDSM and DUI they think only of their seats, and that is why they are fighting to stay in power at least one more day at the cost of national losses. This situation in which the country is must not last long, because the consequences of crime, corruption and incompetence of the government are huge. Therefore, VMRO-DPMNE will start an active blockade of Parliament, in order to provoke a leadership meeting at which a date will be agreed for early parliamentary elections, and will start finding solutions in key sectors in which VMRO-DPMNE offered teams. These are the sectors of finance, health, education and of course international relations, European integration and the problem that Macedonia has with Bulgaria, reads VMRO-DPMNE’s press release.