Kovachki: Xhaferi humiliated the Parliament staff, while Kovachevski says nothing in order to save the Government


Talat Xhaferi humiliated the employees in the Parliament and the state, and endangers the security, while Prime Minister Kovacevski says nothing so that the Government won’t be overthrown, MP and VMRO-DPMNE EC member Dragan Kovachki told a press conference on Tuesday.

Talat Xhaferi made two serious scandals in a period of several days, Kovachki pointed out. First, he was caught live on the parliamentary channel threatening, swearing and mobbing the employees of the Parliament. Second, he tried to hide that he had met a Chechen official and a former member of the Russian Duma, did not inform the public and relativized.

“Xhaferi must be held accountable for his savage behavior in the Parliament. Kovachevski must not remain silent on this primitivism just because he wants to stay in power,” added Kovachki.

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