In order to talk about a fair transition, we need to have domestic resources that will influence the prices of electricity


I believe that this year the production of electricity will stabilize and will be far higher than it was in the past, because it is very important because if we want to talk about a fair transition we must first of all have domestic resources to influence the prices of electricity, said the President of the Energy Regulatory Commission Marko Bislimovski.

At the round table “Through a fair energy transition to sustainable growth and development” held today in Skopje organized by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Bislimovski said that in recent times, energy as never before has attracted full public attention, having taking into account the constant rise in prices of electricity, natural gas and oil on the stock exchanges.

According to Bislimovski, it is a fact that we as a country have problems with domestic electricity production, which is in constant decline and complicates the overall situation. As something that should be done in the next period, he pointed out the obligation of ESM to provide 100 percent of household needs by the end of the year, because, according to him, it is the best way to keep the existing energy poverty at a satisfactory level.


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