Rexhepi who saved the Government from falling gets his prize – his son is hired at M-NAV


 The son of the MP (now former) from the ranks of the BESA Movement, Kastriot Rexhepi, who mysteriously “disappeared” when the vote of no confidence in the Government was to be voted on, has been rewarded with employment in the Macedonian air navigation M-NAV, NetPress sources reveal.

What is best known about this state-owned company is that the jobs really come as a well-deserved reward, as the average monthly gross wages per employee are over 3,000 euros.

As a reminder, Kastriot Rexhepi, although he first signed that he would vote for no confidence in the Government, did not appear in the Assembly on the day of the vote. Obviously, due to a good deal with the leaders of the Government, then Zoran Zaev and Ali Ahmeti.

At the time they defended him saying that “Kastriot Rexhepi’s heart lies in Washington and Brussels”.

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