VMRO-DPMNE will not support the EUR 100 millionloan- it demands evidence where the money from the previous energy crisis was spent


The optimism is that coal will be procured and not that we will not have an energy crisis. And, it is not the optimism at what price and where the money comes from. Let’s say a law will come to the Parliament again with which you, the citizens, will be in debt for another 100 million euros. And what do they want to do now? They want to declare a state of energy crisis, so that they can spend these 100 million euros during this procurement of coal, fuel oil, and the rest, in private, to steal them, VMRO-DPMNE leader HristijanMickoski said during his visit to the municipality of Petrovec.

Mickoski added that VMRO-DPMNE will not support the 100 million euro loan until the government says where it spent the money from the last energy crisis.

“Our position is YES for the state of energy crisis, but first let’s see where the citizens’ money was spent from the last energy crisis.” And we will not support this loan of 100 million euros until we see where the taxpayers’ money has gone,” stressed the leader of opposition VMRO-DPMNE.

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