Minister Stojchevska should resign because of the culture censorship she is trying to force


Bisera Stojchevska has not apologized to the citizens for three days now, nor does she intend to resign. Putting herself in the role of “Big Brother” as in Orwell’s book 1984, Stojchevska wants to dictate and censor what artists can and can’t write in their works, VMRO-DPMNE spokesperson Dimche Arsovski said at a press conference on Sunday.

“The protocol signed by the Kovachevski government allows Bulgaria to evaluate every artistic creation as to whether it represents hate speech and such works of culture must not be financed with public money. That’s why the protective suit Minister of Culture gives censoring instructions to artists not to create works with a historical narrative. According to Bisera Kostadinovska Stojchevska, by far the most beautiful film works that this country has, novels, songs and dramas should be put in basements and the history of the Republic of Macedonia should not be talked about, something that is most sacred. All that is missing is for all that creation to be put on the pyre and burned. Here are some questions that the public should think about, and the government should answer because they are very real and it is possible that they will happen soon,” Arsovski pointed out.

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