The Parliament will work smoothly, VMRO-DPMNE can only block the Commissions it leads


There cannot be a complete blockade of the Parliament. VMRO-DPMNE can block only the Commissions it leads, and the Assembly will continue to work smoothly in relation to those points for which there are prerequisites, according to the Rules of Procedure, to work, said Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi on Sunday.

Regarding the blocking of the Parliament’s work by the opposition, Xhaferi  in an interview for RFE said that the Parliament is functioning and will function.

“However, after the decision to block, it is the right of the opposition to use it as an instrument in the Parliament, it is within the scope of the discussions that take place both in the working bodies and at the Plenary Session. There cannot be a complete blockade of the Parliament, because they may not consider the points that are on the committees that they lead, but the other committees that will consider the points certainly have the conditions to be considered in plenary sessions, and the plenary session according to the Rules of Procedure is planned and there is a timing of the beginning and end of the discussion, so that the Parliament will continue to work smoothly and in relation to those points for which there are prerequisites, according to the Rules of Procedure, to work,” said Xhaferi.

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