“Vancho Mihailov” and Tsar Boris III” culture clubs have three months to change their names and status, otherwise they will be erased from the register


Without a single vote against or abstentions, the MPs from both the Government and the opposition voted on Wednesday with 67 votes in favor of the amendments to the Law on Associations and Foundations, submitted by VMRO-DPMNE and to the Law on Political Parties, submitted by SDSM, with which prohibits associations and parties from bearing fascist names. The proposed legal amendments of the two parties followed the opening of Bulgarian clubs in the country with the names “Vancho Mihailov” on April 16 in Bitola and “Tsar Boris Treti” on October 7 in Ohrid.

The amendments to the two laws envisage the rejection of fascism, Nazism and National Socialism in all social forms of association. With the adopted amendments, all associations and foundations established so far, as well as political parties, have a deadline of three months to comply with the new legal amendments.

In the transitional and final provisions of the amendments and additions to the Law, it is stated that organizations, associations, foundations, unions and other forms of association registered in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Associations and are obliged within three months from the entry into force of this law, to harmonize their name and/or title, goals and activities in accordance with the provisions of this law, before the Central Registry.

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