42.5 percent of students believe there is violence in school, only one quarter report it


 As many as 42.5 percent of students believe that there is violence in their school, and only a quarter report it. The most common reasons for violence between peers in schools are demonstration of force, jealousy and behavioral problems, according to the research of the First Children’s Embassy in the world “Megjashi” conducted in primary and secondary schools in Skopje.

Students stated that they feel most unsafe in their place of residence due to the presence of violence due to physical appearance and ethnicity, stray dogs and problematic boys in groups.

As the most common form of violence, 25.7 percent of students recognize it as verbal violence, followed by social violence (exclusion from a group / gossip) with 24.8 percent. Respondents believe that there is no difference between genders in terms of who is most often a victim of violence – 54 percent of respondents believe that both boys and girls are equally victims of violence.

Only 33.6 percent of the students believe that the responsible services in their school react appropriately and promptly to cases of violence. A large part stated that they are not familiar with how the services react (27.4 percent) or that the services do not react appropriately and promptly (11.5 percent).

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