Nikoloski: The ANB has been turned into a party-owned private institution, Dimovski and Spasovski should be held accountable for the Onishchenko case


The National Security Agency (ANB) law is good, but the implementation is disastrous. Regarding the implementation, two key elements are missing – the first is internal control and the second is the departmentalization through the polygraph testing of the employees in the service, the vice president of VMRO DPMNE Aleksandar Nikoloski told a press conference on Wednesday.

“These days ANB and Viktor Dimovski are creating another involving fugitive Onishchenko. Viktor Dimovski and Oliver Spasovski should be held accountable for giving Macedonian citizenship to the white world criminal – the Ukrainian Onishchenko, who is on the U.S. blacklist, and who is also officially wanted by Ukraine. No suspensions of officials can remove the blame from Spasovski and Dimovski,” Nikoloski said.



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