Appellate Court cancels Mijalkov’s 8-year prison sentence verdict for “Tresor”, the case goes back to retrial


The Appellate Courtcanceled the first-instance verdict in the “Tresor” case, in which one of the convicted was the former UBK director SashoMijalkov. With this, the case goes back to retrial and decision before the Skopje Basic Criminal Court.

“The Skopje Appellate Court reports that, acting on the criminal case KOKŽ-100/21, known to the public as “Tresor”, after a public session, it passed a decision in which it accepted the appeals of the defendants S.M. from S., G.G. from S., N.S. from S. and T.J. from S., stated through their defense, which annulled the first-instance verdict and returned the case to the Skopje Basic Criminal Court for retrial and decision-making,”reads the press release issued by the Skopje Appellate Court on Friday.

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