Kovachevski is not aware that as time goes by, the margin by which he will lose will only deepen, says Slaveski


Economically, the year in Macedonia passed with anemic economic growth and an inflation rate of about 20%, twice as high as that in the Eurozone. There is only one explanation for this difference – it is due to domestic factors, first of all the populist policies of the Government of DUI and SDSM for artificial growth of wages in a nominal amount. We are witnessing that their value is actually decreasing, because it is impossible to increase the standard of living of the population in the conditions of a permanent decline in factor productivity in the past 5-6 years, said former Minister of Finance and current president of the Council of the City of Skopje Trajko Slaveski.

“What Prime Minister Kovachevski says is completely expected. He knows he’s going to lose the next election by a huge margin, but I’m not sure he’s aware that as time goes by, that gap will only widen,” said Trajkovski.

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