Constitutional amendments are not unification but betrayal, Mickoski claims


It’s not unification, it’s betrayal and someone should have thought of that before arranging it. Because we did not go to the elections promising the citizens a change to the Constitution, we did not go to the elections promising the citizens the signing of capitulation and treason. The person who signed it should know that he does not have the conditions to deliver it, said the leader of VMRO-DPMNE Hristijan Mickoski, asked about the constitutional amendments, after the solemn divine liturgy on the occasion of the feast of the birth of Christ – Christmas in the Cathedral “St. Clement of Ohrid” in Skopje.

Mickoski stressed that the constitutional amendments are one of those moments that bring discord between the Macedonian people, who are wise, and if you look at all the measurements of public opinion, you can see that a huge majority, more than three quarters, are against such an act.

“What I can say as a person is that we should be honest and unite around the honesty towards the citizens that we will reflect, and for that we need quick early parliamentary elections in which each of us will come out with our own program, in our own way to solve this problem, so the citizens are the ones who are sovereign and let them decide how to solve it. We have the problem, it was brought to us by this government of DUI and SDS, and we need to solve that problem if we want to move forward and provide the kind of state that our citizens deserve,” stressed opposition leader Mickoski.


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