Trikafta medicationfinally arrives, seven adult patients and one child to receive therapy


The Trikafta medication for cystic fibrosis has arrived at the University Clinic for Children’s Diseases, the Minister of Health FatmirMedjeti announced today. In cooperation with other institutions, as he clarified, the most pressing issue of this category of patients has been resolved.

The director of the Clinic for Children’s DiseasesStojkaFushtikjsaid that the medication arrived this morning and they are already receiving patients who need to start therapy.

“We will admit six patients at the Clinic, and two will be managed at the Pulmonology Clinic. Of the eight patients, two are in a truly critical condition. Seven patients are over 18 years old, and one patient is a minor. We submitted a request to the Health Fund to include four more patients. It is about annual therapy,” said the Clinic’s head.

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