How can a person of security risk, suspected of transporting cocaine, get a permit from the Interior Ministry to possess weapons


None of the pro-Western values ​​of the Government, they turned Macedonia into the Wild West. Neither law rules, nor do we have a legal state. Liquidations, kidnappings, escapes from prison, crime reigns, and the mobsters, instead of answering to the law, collude with the authorities, said VMRO-DPMNE in a press release on Tuesday.

“Oliver Spasovski and SashoTasevski, as directors of BJB, are obliged to provide answers to the citizens. We ask, did the police chief MuzaferKarisikj, as a member of the commission for issuing weapons approval, give a weapon license to ShukriAsani, who is suspected of transporting cocaine? This is the same as giving a can of gasoline and a lighter to an arsonist and letting him go in the middle of the forest,” the opposition party said.

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