There will be no constitutional changes with this Parliament, claims Mickoski


The leader of VMRO-DPMNE Hristijan Mickoski, asked regarding the constitutional amendments and whether there are pressures in this regard, states that there are pressures, but his arguments are elementary logic and repeated once again that there will be no constitutional amendments with this parliamentary composition.
“Of course there are pressures, this is not a fairy tale. If someone thinks that with pressure they will achieve something with me, they are lying to themselves, such a thing will not happen. I am aware that this will continue. But I will repeat that there will be no change to the constitution in this parliamentary composition. aware of the political price that we can pay, we went public, we made a proposal, a proposal that they gave, which is the Croatian model of the constitutional preamble, and we said, we accept it, come on, gentlemen, let’s see who is European and who is not European. I am closing this topic here, yesterday I closed the topic with the commissions, today I am closing it with the constitutional amendments. And from now on, my answer will be, you know the position, it is unchanged, there will be no constitutional changes in this parliamentary composition”, said Mickoski.

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