Corridors agreement should be published to prevent the robbery of the century, Democratic Union demands


The Democratic Union (DS) insists that the Agreement for the construction of Corridors 8 and 10D with Bechtel and Enka be published and subject to expert analysis and public discussion, especially since the reason for the legal changes are the obligations incorporated in the agreement and accepted by the negotiators and the Government.

“Hiding the agreement from the public, experts and MPs only strengthens the suspicions and already presented information, that it enables corrupt activities and represents a kind of robbery of the century.”

The Democratic Union calls on all MPs to reject the continuation of the debate on the laws in an abbreviated procedure and to insist that they be debated in a regular and public discussion, after the Government stands behind the laws, and not a group of MPs.

“So far the estimated value of this project is one billion and six hundred million euros (1.6 billion euros), but according to experts’ estimates and due to the loose clauses in the agreement, it is possible that the amount will reach up to 2 billion euros,” warns the Democratic Union.


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