Miloshoski: Discrimination of the south-east of Macedonia by the Government should stop


I would like to send a message from the southeastern municipalities, where there is huge disappointment with the discriminatory attitude of the current government towards the smaller municipalities in this part of the country, pointed out Antonio Miloshoski, Member of Parliament and VMRO-DPMNE Executive Committee member.
The opposition MP mentioned the municipalities of Vasilevo, Bosilovo, Novo selo, Konche, Radovish and others in the south-eastern region of Macedonia (with a full Macedonian population) and pointed out that the Government consisting of SDSM and DUI always provides funds for the municipalities of Arachinovo and Lipkovo, municipalities (almost entirely inhabited by Albanian population) where there is very little collection of property tax and other state contributions.
“The municipalities in the southeast of Macedonia always have a high realization of their tax obligations to the state, but they have no help from the state. And we think that this way of discriminating in the southeast should stop and the citizens see the best opportunity in the elections that will happen soon,” said Miloshoski.

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