Metropolitan of Imvbos and Tenedos Kyrillos: The process for granting the Tomos for autocephaly is well underway


The brotherhood of the Bigorski Monastery and the sisters from Rajchica and Prechista, led by Bishop Partenij, and with the blessing of the competent bishop, Bishop Timotej, were on a pilgrimage to the island of Imbros, and since yesterday they have been in Tsarigard, the Bigorski Monastery informed.

“The process for granting the Tomos of Autocephaly is well underway. I am confident that the process of joining the Ohrid Archdiocese as an autocephalous church will be completed and that the Tomos for autocephaly will be brought to Ohrid by the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew,” said the Metropolitan of Imbros and Tenedos, Bishop Kyrillos of the Ecumenical Patriarchate.


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