VMRO-DPMNE submits proposal for legislative amendments: Abolition of VAT for food products and 5 percent tax on electricity


Today, together with the Coordinator of the MP group Nikola Micevski, in the name of the entire MP group of VMRO – DPMNE and the Coalition “Renewal of Macedonia”, we submitted the amendments to the VAT Law, said the MP from the ranks of VMRO-DPMNE, Bojan Stojanoski.

The proposed amendments provide for:

  1. Exemption from VAT of products for human consumption.

With this measure, the prices of food products will be reduced immediately by 5%.

  1. Return of the VAT rate on electricity to 5%, instead of the announced 18%.

If our proposal is not implemented, from July 1, citizens will pay electricity bills for at least 8% more, Stojanoski said in a Facebook post on Tuesday.

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