Dimitrovski claims SDSM sought help from Gruevski for the constitutional amendments


SDSM sent people to Budapest to meet with former Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski to ask him for help in securing a certain number of deputies from VMRO-DPMNE to vote for constitutional changes for Bulgarians to enter the Constitution, in exchange for amnesty for him and some of his people, said Zoran Dimitrovski, a former journalist and editor, and now a party official of the Democratic Union (DS), in an interview with Kanal 5 TV’s political show.
“Gruevski refused such cooperation. Regardless of his current relations with the leadership of VMRO-DPMNE, he refused such cooperation with underground games to be done in Parliament with a two-thirds majority. I can tell you this authoritatively and with information that I have from the field. There are photos from the meeting with Gruevski of people who were sent by SDSM. I am not saying that they will not continue to try to offer money to MPs in different ways, but I think that this time we have a completely different situation. Either the entire VMRO-DPMNE will vote, or none of them will vote,” said Dimitrovski.

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