Miteva: Checking the origin of politicians’ property is imperative, Kovachevski is unable to solve the employees’ problem


Kovachevski, unable to solve the problem with the employees of the Customs Administration and the Public Revenue Office, threatens the employees through public statements. Kovachevski says that he would wait for the results of the inspection of the property status of the employees, because he thought that the salaries should be matched with the property, said VMRO-DPMNE spokesperson Marija Miteva at a press conference on Tuesday.

“And all this would not sound inappropriate if it was said by a prime minister who truly and first applied to himself what he asked of others. An examination of the origin of the employees’ property should take place in all state administration bodies, in the judiciary and the Prosecutor’s Office, but above all, the prime minister is the one who should set a personal example,” Miteva said.


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