Inflation, which is the highest in Europe, is eating up the people’s budget, while DUI and SDS are getting rich at their expense, says VMRO-DPMNE


The economy in Macedonia has never been worse, inflation is reigning, and the able-bodied people are moving as far away from the country as possible, in order to earn a piece of bread, opposition VMRO-DPMNE said in a press release on Friday.
“While Ali Ahmeti and Kovachevski’s businesses are booming, inflation has eaten up the domestic budget of the citizens. Prices for basic food products have increased up to 100%. Half a million people (500,000) in the country live in poverty, what used to be bought for a thousand denars, now cannot be bought for even 2,000 denars. In just one year, the number of construction workers decreased by 12,000 people, who went abroad, and that number is now much higher. We are at the bottom in terms of foreign investments in the region, and Macedonia ended 2022 with 7.7 billion euros of public debt, which is 57.1 percent of the gross domestic product.
While this is happening, Kovachevski took the chance to buy cheap land for photovoltaics, Ali Ahmeti’s nephew grabbed the Soravia building, and Artan Grubi’s brother bought a shop in the center of Skopje for a bargain price,” added VMRO-DPMNE.

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