PPO is under DUI influence, Abazi doesn’t act on received information only because Drin Ahmeti is Ali Ahmeti’s nephew, while Kovachevski stays silent and runs away, says opposition


For almost a whole week, the Prosecutor’s Office for Organized Crime and Corruption and the Chief Prosecutor Islam Abazi have been silent and have not initiated an investigation into the young Drin Ahmeti, Ali Ahmeti’s nephew, VMRO-DPMNE stressed via press release on Thursday.

“It’s strange to everyone how Drin Ahmeti got 39 percent of the business building Soravia worth 30 million euros, without a penny deposit, and only Abazi doesn’t find it strange. Islam Abazi is a close friend of the Ahmeti family, and is often in the company of DUI leader Ali Ahmeti and Drin’s father, Fekri Ahmeti. Macedonia has been DUized. The Prosecutor’s Office has been DUIzed, and Dimitar Kovachevski is silent about the scandal with the grandson of his coalition partner Ahmeti just for the sake of a position and office,” the opposition party says.


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