Russian influence has entered the top of the MOC-OA, says President Pendarovski


When asked if there is Russian influence on the Synod of the MOC-OA, the President of North Macedonia Stevo Pendarovski says that there is, but not with the head of the Church.
No one can dispute the church’s right to protest, everyone has the constitutional right to do so, but according to the information coming on these topics, it is strange to me that the church is calling for a protest on that occasion for the first time. I think that we had much more difficult dilemmas that the church and the state faced,” President Stevo Pendarovski told TV 24 while discussing the protest organized by MOC-OA.
According to Pendarovski, the protest is pointless because, as he claims, the Government withdrew from the procedure the two laws against which they are protesting – on gender equality and on the civil registry and requested a broader social debate.

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