Without constitutional changes country will join group of countries with open issues, says Osmani


The opponents of the constitutional amendments are in fact supporters of the ideas of the Bulgarian extremists, according to which the country’s European perspective should be reduced down to its bilateral relations with the Republic of Bulgaria, said Macedonian Minister of Foreign Affairs Bujar Osmani.
The constitutional amendments, according to Osmani, are the factor that will determine which group of countries North Macedonia belongs in, “that’s how great the responsibility of each MP is,” said the FM.
“If we conclude the amendments, we will join the group of countries that expect to become EU members in the coming years. A decision on this has already been made within the EU, if we fail to conclude the constitutional amendments, we will join the group of countries that have open issues, and then the Agreement with Bulgaria, the Protocol, the relations with Bulgaria in general, the historical issues will return,” said Osmani.

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