Ali Ahmeti’s relative bought Zhito Karaorman in Kichevo – still no information about the Soravia investigation


Ali Ahmeti’s relative, Selaudin Arifi, is expanding his business network in Kichevo and last week he completed the deal and bought the Zito Karaorman mill. Arifi is the owner of AS Senjak, a company that is registered in the modest financial portfolio of Thor – the company owned by Ahmeti’s nephew, who is buying the Soravia building in the center of Skopje. The Prosecutor’s Office opened a case after a tip-off, and for now there is no information about the transfer of money to Soravia nor what has been discovered. The first funding for Drin Ahmeti’s Soravia project came from Tirana’s Credence Bank, a bank whose CEO was killed 9 years ago by as-yet-undiscovered motorcycle assassins.
On Friday, the Macedonian Stock Exchange received the notification from the Kichevo-based company Zhito Karaorman that it has a new owner. That new owner is Selaudin Arifi, who also owned the company AS Senjak, and bought more than half of the shares in Zhito Karaorman.

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