Mexhiti: I will personally initiate inspections at the slightest suspicion of patient harm


I will personally initiate an inspection for any case for which there is even the slightest suspicion of harm to patients, stated the Minister of Health, Dr. Fatmir Mexhiti, at a working meeting with the director of the State Sanitary and Health Inspectorate, Dr. Renata Mladenovska on Wednesday.

On Mexhiti’s initiative, it was discussed about the current developments in healthcare, for which the ministry initiated an extraordinary inspection.

“The Ministry of Health monitors the work of all public health institutions. We will not allow cases to remain unsolved, there must be responsibility when it comes to the health of citizens. Wherever a dilemma arises as to whether adequate health care has been provided for patients and whether they have received adequate treatment, we will initiate surveillance on the ground,” stressed Mexhiti.

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