Nikoloski: Ilovica-Shtuka is the most dubious capital in the Balkans at the moment, the top of the SDSM acts with panic reactions


The truth about Ilovica-Shtuka is that the most dubious capital in the Balkans at the moment. All those panic reactions of the top of the SDSM are after they saw that there was a popular uprising in Strumica and the area and that the whole people came out into the streets. Previously, they neither remembered that they were lied to, nor did the Minister of Ecology write down his position, nor did the MPs say that they would join the protest. After they saw the kind of protest that happened in Strumica, then democracy flourished in SDSM and DUI, because before the protest there was no democracy, said VMRO-DPMNE vice-president Aleksandar Nikoloski in an interview with Alfa TV on Tuesday evening.

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