Stoilkovski asks if Shpresa Abazi, the prosecutor’s daughter-in-law, works in AEK, and why Grubi answers instead of him even for his family


Islam Abazi should answer – whether his sister-in-law Shpresa Abazi works in AEK, as an advisor for responding to computer incidents, and previously she was in the ministry of Artan Grubi, spokesperson of VMRO-DPMNE Naum Stoilkovski told a press briefing on Monday.

“Still, Islam Abazi is not allowed to open his mouth about DUI to such an extent that Artan Grubi answers for him even for his family. Grubi, in a frenzy of impunity for crime and corruption, is able to assure that there are two Islam Abazis – one is the current public prosecutor for organized crime, and the other is the former Gostivar prosecutor, a member of the DUI, close to the Ahmeti family, a friend of Nevzat Beyta and his brother-in-law Jetok Akiku, director of AEK, where the sister-in-law of this Islam Abazi’s brother, Shpresa Abazi, who was in the ministry of Artan Grubi, works. If it wasn’t tragic, it would’ve been funny. This is both tragic and terrible, the ignorance of Artan Grubi,” said Stoilkovski.

The opposition spokesperson adds that it is a fact that when people return to their idle workplace, no announcement is made about it.

“It is also a fact that Shpresa Abazi is on the list of employees at Grubi, she took tests, and then got a job at AEK, in a published advertisement for a job in AEK, advisor for responding to computer incidents. The series of abuses of the positions, the abuse of a ministry as an agency for hiring their close friends, daughters-in-law, children, DUI journalists, are clear! We don’t expect Islam Abazi to answer, just like he doesn’t answer for any corruption or DUI abuse! We expect responsibility after the change of government,” added Stoilkovski.

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