Unknown perpetrators vandalized the monument to a police officer who died in the Divo Naselje incident


The monument to a special police officer of the Ministry of Interior (MoI) who died in the skirmish in Kumanovo’s Divo Naselje in 2015 has been vandalized in the late hours of the Republic day – Ilinden holiday.

On the monument in honor of Goran Stojmenovikj in Skopje’s Indjikovo neighborhood, Gazi Baba Municipality, unknown vandals crossed out his face and other parts of the monument with spray paint.

“We strongly condemn the desecration of the monument of our brother Goran Stojmenovikj in Indjikovo, Skopje. Goran died heroically in the fighting with Albanian terrorists in Kumanovo’s Divo Naselje in 2015,” states the reaction of the Democratic Party of the Serbs in Macedonia, which demands that the competent authorities immediately take action to find the perpetrators.

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