Consensus on constitutional amendments under Bulgarian dictate is not possible, it’s only possible for elections


At the beginning of our answer about Kovachevski’s interview, it is good to explain to the public how the MIA interview with Dimitar Kovachevski was carried out, who announced that since August 3 he is on vacation abroad in a previously undisclosed country and location? Was it done in advance or was it done from the beach, or was it written in another way, asked VMRO-DPMNE on Sunday.

“What is essential and what is missing in Kovachevski’s lamentation in the interview is why VMRO-DPMNE’s proposal for a social and political consensus was rejected before accepting a negotiation framework with the EU that would give Bulgaria the opportunity and use that opportunity to block Macedonia whenever the irredentist, anti-Macedonian dictates from Sofia will not be fulfilled?, said the largest opposition party.

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