Mexhiti and part of the “fiery group” formed the new Democratic Movement party, they will cooperate with the pro-Western oriented


As of Sunday, the Albanians in N. Macedonia have another political party, the Democratic Movement, which emerged from the dissatisfied senior members of the ruling DUI. The founding assembly of the Democratic Movement was held Sunday at the Skopje Hilton Hotel.
The keynote speech was given by Izet Mexhiti, who left DUI after being a member for 20 years, a party in which he was vice-president and their mayor of the Chair Municipality.
Nexhat Beita, Musa Xhaferi and the mayor of Saraj, Blerim Bexheti, left the “fiery group” before the founding assembly. They say they are against the establishment of a new party.
Mexhiti was elected leader of the newly formed party.

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